Skype Meetings App runs as an app on computers using Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, with 32- and 64-bit Internet Explorer 11 or later installed. Pour toute autre dépendance, voir plateformes prises en charge par l’application réunions Skype .
Download Microsoft Skype for Business Basic from Official ... Microsoft Skype for Business Basic gives you instant messaging (IM), audio and video calls, online meetings, availability (presence) information, and ... Installare Skype for Business - Supporto di Office Questa procedura per essere completata richiede solitamente 10-15 ... (32 bit o 64 bit - se non disponi ... Se non vedi il download di Skype for Business nel ... Download Microsoft Skype for Business Basic from Official ... Scaricare il client desktop completo Skype for Business Windows dalportale di software Office 365 seguendo i passaggi indicati ... Windows 10; Windows 7 ... Download Skype | Free calls | Chat app
Software > Microsoft | Software pro domácnost i do kanceláře, skvělé ceny, široká nabídka. Nakupujte u odborníků na počítače a elektroniku. Download Microsoft Skype for Business Basic from Official ... If you are licensed for Office 365 ProPlus, Office 365 Enterprise E3 or Office 365 Enterprise E4, you are also licensed for the full Skype for Business Windows desktop client, which includes additional features including advanced telephony support, archiving & compliance features. Install Skype for Business - Office Support If you see the following page, choose Skype for Business, choose your language, the edition that matches your other Office applications (32 bit or 64 bit - if you don't know, choose the default) and choose Install.
Avec Skype pour Windows 8/10, gardez en permanence le contact avec vos proches. Communiquez avec vos contacts Skype, Facebook et Windows Live Messenger, quelle que soit votre situation géographique.