Si estás usando Mac OS X Lion, esta carpeta permanece oculta por cuestiones de seguridad. Para que puedas ver esta carpeta, ejecuta dentro de la carpeta Ya busque carpeta por carpeta y nada que aparece la mentada carpeta de MAME OSX; tengo IOSX El Capitan en mi Mac; diganme por favor...
MAME OS X: Mac OS X Port of MAME MAME OS X is a native Mac OS X port of the popular MAME emulator. It is designed to take advantage of all the latest Mac OS X technologies, like Core Video ... MAME/MESS for Mac OS X (Intel 64-bit Builds) MAME/MESS for Mac OS X - 64-bit Intel. MAME and MESS are now combined as one distribution as of the 0.162 release and offered as a MAME binary (MESS ... on macOS (OS X) - Inaudible Discussion - Greg Gant 25 Dec 2016 ... The last OS X native GUI is forever locked in 2013 at version .149.1 but fear ... Running up MAME Arcade emulation MAME/MESS (Intel 64-bit ...
How to get started with MAME under MacOS X to play classic retro Arcade Games for free! Prostředí X11 a Mac OS X - Fink v drobnohledu -… Apple, Mac, Macintosh, Apple iPod, Mac OS, Mac OS X, Apple iTunes, iLife, iPhoto, Tiger, OS X, iBook, PowerBook, PowerMAC, G5, iMac, Intel, Steve Jobs, polemiky MAME - Wikipedia The aim of MAME is to be a reference to the inner workings of the emulated arcade machines; the ability to actually play the games is considered "a nice side effect".[3] Joystiq has listed MAME as an application that every Windows and Mac…